Hing Lee
Chinese Restaurant
32 Curlew Street, Bermondsey
SE1 2ND London, UK
Dear Customers,
It is with regret that we are informing you that Hing Lee Chinese Restaurant will be closing our doors from Sunday 12th January 2025. Special thanks to all our loyal customers who showed their loyalty to us over the last 32 years, we are truly grateful and value your support.
It has been an amazing adventure, however, a new management will be taking over with a new and exciting menu very soon!
So sorry and thank you ever so much for your custom!!
Hing Lee Chinese Restaurant
Opening Hours
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - 12noon to 3pm
5pm to 11pm
Wednesday - 12noon to 3pm
5pm to 11pm
Thursday - 12noon to 3pm
5pm to 11pm
Friday - 12noon to 3pm
5pm to 11pm
Saturday - 5pm to 11pm
Sunday - 12noon to 3pm
5pm to 11pm
Phone: +44 (0)20 74037919
Email: hinglee1992@gmail.com